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    Contemporary Interventions

    Each heritage building is unique, so why would you make an 'off the peg' contemporary intervention? E2 have established a track record for interesting and distinctive contemporary interventions to heritage buildings. 

    Have you outgrown your property? Would you like to create a new and more meaningful connection to the exterior amenity space? Are you craving more natural light and a more comfortable internal environment?

    Whether your project involves the complete refurbishment of your property, or its extension, we will work with you to enhance your property bringing it up to 21st Century standards.

    Click on the image below to visit our Contemporary Interventions Speciality page and learn more by downloading our PDF, taking you through the key facts you will need to know if you are thinking of developing your property, including our approach to handling the planning process and conservation officers.

    Downs-Park-Road-exterior-view-rear-elevation-extension-timber-cladding-glazed-sliding-doors-Retrofit Extension New Build Listed Building Project-London Architect-Conservation-Heritage-Contemporary Low Energy Design

    If you have a project in mind that involves a Contemporary Intervention why not try our no obligation Architect Home Visit service, which offers you the opportunity to explore the design options available for your site with E2 director Sam Cooper?

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